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Shades of Silver

Grandson of National Champion sires Blue Domino and Indian Magic

Princess Rubi'a

Her sire Rajeyd is closely related

to British National Champion

Stallion Haroun
Her dam Princess Alia is a paternal sister to 2 British National Champions

*Princess Alana

Has 3 lines to National Champion

sire Blue Domino

*Silvern Magic

Son SDA Silver Legend has sired

National Champions in cutting, hunter

hack and sport horse under saddle

Silver Ripple

Dam of British National Champion

Stallion & National Champion sire

Silver Flame


Paternal brother to British National Champion Stallion & National

Champion sire *Silver Vanity &

to U.S. National Champion Park

*Oran Van Crabbet


Straight Crabbet
Paternal sister to National Champion

sire SDA Silver Legend
Linebred to British National Champion

Stallions & National Champion sires

*Silver Vanity & Indian Magic, & to

National Champion sire Oran

Magic Silhouette

Her paternal sisters have produced

National Champions in western pleasure

and dressage


Dam of halter champion and

champion producer The Heiress
Paternal sister to U.S. Top 10 Mare & National Champion producer *Silwara

*Lewisfield Magic+/

U.S. National Champion

Western Pleasure
Sire of a National Champion in

native costume and a Top 10 winner

in sidesaddle

The Sun Idol

First place English pleasure

only time shown
Sired just 11 get
National winner sire

Lewisfield Sungal

Full sister to multiple halter champion Lewisfield Sun God

The Midnight Sun

Halter champion
Both parents are halter champions and champion producers

SK The Sun Magician

Only offspring of his sire

Heir tothe Sun

Paternal brother to U.S. Top Ten

Show Hack ATR and regional sport

horse under saddle Exotic Sun

as well as hunter pleasure champions

& a successful endurance horse

SK The Sun Magician

SK The Sun Magician

Heir tothe Sun x Rosalaina

1999 Chestnut Stallion

97.65% Crabbet/Blunt Breeding

SK THE SUN MAGICIAN’S sire, HEIR TOTHE SUN, is a predominantly Crabbet stallion whose pedigree comes from the heart of the very successful Lewisfield breeding program. Although Lewisfield was active for just a decade, the Lewises imported significant horses from England including HEIR TOTHE SUN’s maternal grandparents and combined existing American lines with them to produce National Champions. Lewisfield took over the Ben Hur herd which contained the full sibling  *RAFFLES get AARAF, AARAFA, and AARAFLA, and from AARAF and AARAF bred one of the world’s most beautiful Arabians of all time, LEWISFIELD SUN GOD, who was lost young after foundering. HEIR TOTHE SUN has a line to LEWISFIELD SUN GOD and to his full sister LEWISFIELD SUN GAL, and four lines to AARAF on his sire’s side.

HEIR TOTHE SUN is by THE SUN IDOL, who won an English pleasure class of 14 horses in his brief show career.  THE SUN IDOL sired just 11 registered get, including 2 hunt pleasure champions, the successful endurance horse RAINMAN GADAF (1070 career miles in 34 rides with 31 completions and 1 Best Condition award), the champion producing mare SUN OBSESSION (whose 3 champion offspring include East Coast Top Five Western Pleasure CORDERRO SUNFIRE), and U.S. Top Ten Show Hack ATR and regional sport horse under saddle winner EXOTIC SUN (sire of multi-regional western pleasure champion SARAJAH SUN+) HEIR TOTHE SUN is the ONLY breeding son of THE SUN IDOL remaining.

THE SUN IDOL is by halter champion THE MIDNIGHT SUN. He is a son of halter champion and regional winner sire GOLDEN REFLECTION.  GOLDEN REFLECTION is a son of halter champion and champion sire GOLDEN PHARAO, whose daughter REDBIRD PHARAO produced U.S. Top Ten Hunter and Jumper SONBIRD PHARAO+//. GOLDEN PHARAO’s sire LA FLAG is a paternal brother to LEWISFIELD SUN GOD.  GOLDEN PHARAO is out of the straight Babson Egyptian mare BINT MAAROUFA, also dam of GOLDEN PHARAO’s full brother, U.S. Top Ten Reining and champion sire LA RUH and of his 3/4 sister LA RUEFA, dam of U.S. Top Ten Western Pleasure JOTR LA RU+/ and Legion of Merit winner BINT LA RUEFA++. BINT MAAROUFA’s son JULYAN sired U.S. Reserve National Champion Park AOTR and Sidesaddle MAHJULEMYN++/.

GOLDEN REFLECTION’s dam, champion producer AAZKAFRA, is a full sister to  4champion producers: AAZRAFA, LEWISFIELD BAHAMA and  AAZFARA (dam of National winner sire LEWISFIELD LATIGO) and AAZARA (also the dam of National winner sire GIDA COE).  AAZKAFRA’s parents AARAF and AAZKARA are maternal siblings as both are out of AARAH.

THE MIDNIGHT SUN is out of halter champion SUN GOD HEIRESS, herself dam of 3 champions (the others are ECLIPSE OF THE SUN and SUNGOD REFLECTION). SUN GOD HEIRESS is by halter champion and champion sire LEWISFIELD SUN GOD out of TAILORMADE BINTA, dam of regional performance champion MR MADCAP. TAILORMADE BINTA is a 3/4 sister to regional performance champion TAILORMADE AMIGO++.

THE SUN IDOL is out of LEWISFIELD SUNGAL, a full sister to LEWISFIELD SUN GOD, a sire of halter and performance champions and grandsire of Canadian Top Ten Pleasure Driving DASHAN+ and U.S. Reserve National Champion Hunt Pleasure AOTR BAYS DYNASTY.  LEWISFIELD SUNGAL is straight Crabbet and the product of a full sibling mating. Her sire AARAF sired National winners in formal combination and native costume and her dam AARAFA also produced U.S. Reserve National Champion Stallion LEWISFIELD BOLD HAWK.

HEIR TOTHE SUN is out of the straight Crabbet mare MAGIC SILHOUETTE, also dam of multi-western pleasure champion INF MAGIC CIRCLE. She combines lines to the great Crabbet sires INDIAN MAGIC, *SILVER VANITY and DARGEE (all British National Champions and sires of National Champions), *COUNT DORSAZ (the only imported Crabbet stallion to sire both a U.S. National Champion Stallion and a U.S. National Champion Park Horse).

HEIR TOTHE SUN’s dam, MAGIC SILHOUETTE, is by U.S. National Champion Western Pleasure *LEWISFIELD MAGIC+/, sire of U.S. and Canadian Top Ten Sidesaddle BURHILL MYSTERIAN+ and U.S. Reserve National Champion Half-Arabian Native Costume HOMESTEAD IBN MAGIC.  *LEWISFIELD MAGIC+/ daughters have produced such National Champions as MAGIC VANITY (U.S. Reserve National Champion Western Pleasure JOTR and twice U.S. Top Ten Western Sidesaddle), AUL MAGIC+/ (U.S. Reserve National Champion First and Second Level Dressage and a National Champion sire),  and AF THE MAGICIAN+ (U.S. National Champion Fourth Level Dressage and Reserve National Champion Prix St Georges Dressage and twice U.S. Top Ten Hunter). *LEWISFIELD MAGIC+/ is by British National Champion Stallion and National Champion sire INDIAN MAGIC out of *MICHELIA,  dam of 3 National winners (the others are Canadian Top Ten English Pleasure AOTR LEWISFIELD NIZZIX+ and U.S. Top Ten English Pleasure LEWISFIELD LULU++.

MAGIC SILHOUETTE is out of *DORO, imported from England by Lewisfield. She produced halter champion and champion producer THE HEIRESS. *DORO is by 1955 British Supreme Champion Male and multiple National Champion sire DARGEE. DARGEE’s best known daughter in England is SIRELLA, who is a three time British Supreme Champion Female (1956, 1959 and 1962) and dam of multi-British National Champion and National Champion sire HANIF. In America DARGEE is noted as the sire of  *GEORGE WASHINGTON (sire of U.S. Top Ten Jumper LADY ASFUR), of *FIRE OPAL (dam of U.S. Reserve National Champion Pleasure Driving LEWISFIELD NIZOPA) and of U.S. Top Ten Mare *SILWARA, dam of 4 National winners in halter including Canadian National Champion Stallion and National Champion sire TORNADO.

*DORO’s dam RASANA is a full sister to SILVER RIPPLE, dam of American multi-english pleasure champion *RASEEF, of British National Champion Stallion and National Champion sire SILVER FLAME, and of *SILVERN MAGIC (whose son SDA SILVER LEGEND is a regional western pleasure champion and sire of 3 National winners in sport horse halter, sport horse under saddle and a national champion in cutting). RASANA is by twice British Supreme Champion Male *Silver Vanity, a sire of National winners in England and North America, and her dam RISSEEFA is a maternal sister to 1971 British Reserve National Champion Broodmare GLEAMING GOLD.

SK THE SUN MAGICIAN’s dam ROSALAINA is a straight Crabbet mare with a superb heritage. She is linebred to multi British National Champion Stallion and National Champion sire  *SILVER VANITY, to British National Champion Stallion and National Champion sire INDIAN MAGIC, and to ORAN, sire of National Champions in England and North America. She has three lines in her pedigree to each of these great stallions.

ROSALAINA is a paternal sister to National Champion sire and multi-regional western pleasure winner SDA SILVER LEGEND, whose winning get include U.S. Reserve National Champion Cutting Futurity AL MARAH SILVER MAGIC, multi-Top Ten Sport Horse Gelding and Sport Horse Under Saddle Junior Horse TWISTED IRISH LEGEND++, and RS MERCURY++++//, whose 6 National titles include U.S. National Champion Half-Arabian Hunter Hack Junior Horse and Sport Horse Under Saddle Junior Horse.  She is also a paternal sister to American halter champion and Australian endurance winner AL-MARAH HEYHO SILVER.  ROSALINA’s sire, *SILVERN MAGIC, is also the sire of multi-country pleasure champion BEAU IBN ORAN and of the successful endurance horse SILVER APARITION.

*SILVERN MAGIC is by SILVADORIS, whose son *SILVER SENATOR sired multi-western pleasure champion SILVERAN GOLD.  SILVADORIS is by ORAN, sire of British National Champion Stallions and National Champion sires *SILVER VANITY and ORION, U.S. National Champion Park and National Champion sire *ORAN VAN CRABBET, and grandsire of the multi-U.S. National Champion Park ORANS ADAGIO. SILVADORIS’ dam SILVER MAGIC is a full sister to National winner sire *SILVER MOONLIGHT.

*SILVERN MAGIC is out of SILVER RIPPLE, also dam of British National Champion Stallion and National Champion sire SILVER FLAME. SILVER RIPPLE is a full sister to RAYYAN, sire of British Reserve National Ridden Champion BRIGHT DANCER.  SILVER RIPPLE is by British National Champion Stallion and National Champion sire *SILVER VANITY out of RISSEEFA, a paternal sister to National Champion sire RISSALIX.

ROSALAINA is out of *PRINCESS ALANA. Her sire, SHADES OF SILVER, is a grandson of both BLUE DOMINO and INDIAN MAGIC. BLUE DOMINO sired National winners in Britain and in North America. 14 of his get are British National Champions,  BLUE DOMINO had 10 get exported to North America. Eight are champion producers and 6 produced National winners.  INDIAN MAGIC also sired National Champions in the U.K. and North America including U.S. National Champion Western Pleasure *LEWISFIELD MAGIC+/. INDIAN MAGIC’s daughter *SERAFIRE is a U.S. Top Ten Mare who produced U.S. National Champion Mare and National Champion producer INDIAN GENII.

*PRINCESS ALANA is out of PRINCESS RUBI’A. Her sire, RAJEYD, is closely related to multi-British National Champion Stallion HAROUN, who is by a *SILVER VANITY son out of a LUDO daughter while RAJEYD is by LUDO out of a *SILVER VANITY daughter, SILVER RIPPLE, who is also the dam of *SILVERN MAGIC, sire of ROSALAINA. RAJEYD’s sire LUDO  was named Supreme Riding Horse at the Royal International show and winner of the Winston Churchill Cup. LUDO also sired LUDOMINO, the only Arabian ever to win the Supreme Ridden Championship at the Royal Windsor Show, which is awarded to the overall champion at the show and must be won against all breeds in ridden competition. LUDO is a full brother to British Reserve Supreme Champion Mare  LILAC DOMINO and a 3/4 brother to 1962 British Reserve Senior Champion Stallion MANTO.

PRINCESS RUBI’A is out of PRINCESS ALIA, a paternal sister to British Reserve National Champion Gelding SHARUKH and to British National Champion Stallion SILVER FLAME.  Her sire, INDIAN FLAME II, is a son of INDIAN MAGIC out of an ORAN daughter. PRINCESS ALIA is out of PRINCESS TROUBADOR, also dam of the American import *PRINCE ZEYD, sire of multi-Top Ten Half-Arabian Western Pleasure MR MAJESTYK+++. PRINCESS TROUBADOR is a full sister to LUDO. Her carefully linebred heritage insured ROSALAINA’s own quality. She is a rare gem!

Pedigree research by Arlene Magid.

Achievement research (below) copyright Arlene Magid 2017 ( All horses in red lettering are National winners or producers of National winners. 


SK The Sun Magician
SK The Sun Magician
SK The Sun Magician

© Sunh-Kyst Arabians - Proudly breeding high percentage Crabbet & Phara Heritage Arabians. All rights reserved.

No images or content may be copied or reproduced without express written consent from the owners of Sunh-Kyst Arabians.

Site design by Shannon Edney Photography

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