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Prince of All

The Sun Prince x Ahnika

2008 Chestnut Stallion

50.8% Crabbet/Blunt Breeding

PRINCE OF ALL combines the best of the Phara breeding program through his sire and predominantly Egyptian breeding through his dam. The Phara program was based on linebreeding the straight Crabbet Lewisfield Sun God and combining his heritage with Babson Egyptian breeding.

PRINCE OF ALL is by THE SUN PRINCE, a son of halter champion ECLIPSE OF THE SUN. ECLIPSE OF THE SUN is by halter champion and champion sire SUN GOD REFLECTION, a son of halter champion and regional winner sire GOLDEN REFLECTION and halter champion SUN GOD HEIRESS, herself dam of 3 champions. ECLIPSE OF THE SUN is out of SUN GOD HEIRESS, whose other champion offspring are THE MIDNIGHT SUN (sire of National winner sire THE SUN IDOL) and SUNGOD REFLECTION. SUN GOD HEIRESS is by halter champion and champion sire LEWISFIELD SUN GOD out of TAILORMADE BINTA, dam of regional performance champion MR MADCAP. TAILORMADE BINTA is a 3/4 sister to regional performance champion and Legion of Merit winner TAILORMADE AMIGO++.

THE SUN PRINCE is out of ROSE OF FADL, a  paternal sister to multi-U.S. Top Ten Trail winner FA DIM. She is a daughter of the straight Egyptian halter champion FADL DAN, himself a 3/4 brother to U.S. Top Ten Native Costume and National Champion sire EL IBN FABAH+. FADL DAN is a paternal brother to British National Champion Stallion and National Champion sire THE SHAH and to SABRAH, whose 4 National winning progeny include U.S. National Champion Mare FA HALIMA. ROSE OF FADL is a granddaughter of LEWISFIELD SUN GOD, as are Canadian Top Ten Pleasure Driving DASHAN+ and U.S. Reserve National Champion Hunt Pleasure AOTR BAYS DYNASTY. Her dam LEWISFIELD SUNNY is a halter champion and produced halter champion MAJESTIC SUN. LEWISFIELD SUNNY is by LEWISFIELD SUN GOD out of FARSAANA, dam of 4 champions including U.S. Top Ten English Pleasure AOTR LEWISFIELD NIZAAN++.

PRINCE OF ALL’s dam AHNIKA is by U.S. and Canadian National Champion Stallion and World Champion Stallion *SIMEON SHAI+, the only horse to win all three of those titles. Straight Egyptian *SIMEON SHAI+ has sired 16 National winners in halter and performance including Canadian Reserve National Champion Mare SHAIA+, Australian Reserve National Champion Mare SIMEON SHUALA, Middle East Reserve Junior Champion Filly  ABRAXAS SHAIMOONA, Norwegian Reserve National Champion Filly SMJ SHAIS SIMONA, Egyptian International Champion Stallion FOREVER SHAI, Jordan International Reserve Supreme Champion Female SIMEON SHAS,  multi-U.S. Top Ten Sport Horse Mare and Dressage SHAI LAUREL++/, and Canadian Reserve National Champion Trail and Trail AOTR VPMIDNITESTRANGER+/. *SIMEON SHAI+ get have produced National Champions in halter, western pleasure, and dressage.

AHNIKA is out of SASSIQUE, a full sister to S A ABIELYA, dam of 4 halter champions, 3 of them regional winners. SASSIQUE is a paternal sister to 16 National winners including U.S. Reserve National Champion Mare AOTH RA TIMRA+, multi-National Champion Dressage AF THE MAGICIAN+/, World Reserve Champion Colt SABIELL and Middle East Champion Stallion ROYAL MIKHIEL. SASSIQUE is by U.S. National Champion Futurity Colt and Top Ten Stallion NABIEL+/, whose get have produced National Champions in halter, western pleasure, hunt over fences and jumping.  SASSIQUE is out of LW KAHLUA, dam of U.S. and Canadian Top Ten Reining EL KHALI+/. LW KAHLUA is a daughter of U.S. National Champion Pleasure Driving HILLCRESTS TISHAMBA++, sire of 3 National winners in halter. PRINCE OF ALL’s pedigree is one worthy of a herd sire!

Pedigree research by Arlene Magid.

Achievement research (below) copyright Arlene Magid 2017 ( All horses in red lettering are National winners or producers of National winners. 


Full sister to S A Abielya,

dam of 4 halter champions

(3 of them regional winners

and 1 is a National winner


LW Kahlua

Dam of U.S. & Canadian Top Ten

Reining El Khali+/

Paternal sister to 3 National

winners in halter

Sire is a U.S. National Champion

Pleasure Driving winner


U.S. National Champion Futurity Colt
Multiple Top 10 Stallion
Sire of World Champion Colt Sabiell

& National Champions in halter

& dressage

*Simeon Shai+

World Champion Stallion
U.S. National Champion Stallion

Canadian National Champion Stallion
Sire of National Champions in

halter in North America, Australia,

Europe & the Middle East
Also sire of a National Champion

in trail and a multiple National

winner in dressage and sport

horse in hand

Simeon Safanad

Australian National Champion Mare
Dam of 4 National Champions

& 2 World Champions

Raadin Royal Star

Paternal brother to Top Ten winners

in sport horse in hand & sport horse under saddle


Her paternal siblings have produced

National Champions in halter in

multiple countries, North American

National Champions in western

pleasure & North American Top Ten

winners in sport horse in hand

& dressage

Rose of Fadl

Paternal sister to multiple

U.S. Top Ten Trail Fa Dim

Eclipse ofthe Sun

Halter champion

Lewisfield Sunny

Halter champion & champion producer
Daughter Beau Kay produced a race winner & a regional endurance champion

Fadl Dan

Halter champion
National winner sire
3/4 brother to U.S. Top Ten Native Costume & National Champion sire

El Ibn Fabah+

Sun God Heiress

Halter Champion

Dam of 3 champions including halter

champion The Midnight Sun (sire of

National winner sire The Sun Idol)

Sungod Reflection

Halter champion
Champion sire

Prince of All

Descended from horses noted

for athletic talent on both sides

of his ancestry

The Sun Prince

3 lines to Lewisfield Sun God
5 lines to National winner sire


We invite you to view this video tribute to Prince of All's sire,

The Sun Prince (1994 - 2017).

Prince of All

Prince of All
Prince of All
Prince of All
Prince of All

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No images or content may be copied or reproduced without express written consent from the owners of Sunh-Kyst Arabians.

Site design by Shannon Edney Photography

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